Partnership between local government and business for improved local economic development:
Microfund Sofia Foundation, in partnership with the Municipality of Kardzhali, implemented project BG05SFOP001-2.025-0032-C01 “Partnership between local government and business for improved local economic development”, supported by the Operational Programme “Good Governance” 2014-2020. .
The duration of the project is 12 months (10.08.2022 – 09.08.2023) at a total cost of 59 894,64 BGN, of which 85% from the European Social Fund and 15% national co-financing.
The project seeks to implement effects and policies at the local level based on the views of the business stakeholder and the local community, but recommendations will also be addressed to central administrations for consideration and appropriate measures.
Building knowledge communities for competitive MSEs:
The project “Building Knowledge Communities for Competitive MSEs” with the acronym Skills4MSEs has been implemented within the framework of the Balkan-Mediterranean Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 with a total budget of EUR 504 278,00.
The project partners are:
- Centre for Business and Cultural Development – Greece
- University of Macedonia – Department of Applied Informatics, UOM Research Committee (ELKE) – Greece
- Microfund Foundation Sofia – Bulgaria
- “FED Invest SCA-Albania
- Albanian Foundation Besa Capital – Albania
The overall objective of the project was to develop an integrated structure for cross-border training to provide business development services and other support tools for existing and potential small and micro enterprises in both electronic,
as well as in physical form, focusing on the following categories:
- Basic entrepreneurial skills
- Soft skills
- Computer skills
Facilitating job creation, minimising the negative impact of high unemployment rates in economically underdeveloped areas
Technical assistance for the management of a grant scheme, capacity building and training for NGOs under the PHARE Civil Society Development Programme
Technical assistance for the implementation of key measures of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation Programme in Bulgaria
Anti-corruption audit of two Bulgarian line ministries to verify and amend existing and introduce new procedures to reduce systemic corruption risk.